Unsplash - front page.png

a different fashion shopping experience

This is a project created during my UX Design course at QUT. I designed IMTO (I Made, To Order), a website based mobile application where you can customise your own clothes (cut, fabric, colour and size) based on selected styles that are made to order.



User Research, Card Sorting, Personas, Information Architecture, Concept Development, User Flows, UI Design

3 phones.png

user research

Approaching this project, I started with conducting five semi-structured interviews to learn more about what the users needed and what they were currently missing in their shopping experience. Once all feedback was collected, I applied affinity clustering/mapping to get a better overview of the different themes that had emerged from the interviews.

card sorting

This method was used to help understand the users’ expectations of which content that they believed should be grouped together. This helped inform the information architecture and the structure in the user interface.


personas and scenario

Three personas was built based on the user research which helped visualised the user needs and goals when shopping online. To get a better understand of the use case, I sketched out the scenario to describe the users’ experience when interacting with the app and how they would achieve their goals.

usability testing

Once the wireframes was translated into high fidelity designs, I did a usability test of the app to test how easy the user interface was to use and where it needed tweaks. Users were given tasks to complete and was asked to think-out-loud while going through the app.

IMTO front page.png
Usability testing.png



Ghost Conspiracy